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tv   Weekend Early Start  CNN  September 22, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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to the cnn hero of the year. vote up to ten times per day at share your vote on facebook or twitter. all ten will be on live at cnn heroes, an all-star tribute, on december 2. that's all for us tonight. that's all for us tonight. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is "early start weekend." new violence erupts in libya but the message isn't hatred toward america, it's love. >> also, the tape that launched a thousand blogs and may have derailed a campaign. all morning we're looking at romney's comments on the 47% and the anatomy of the leak.
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>> you heard chicken soup for a cold. what about blueberries to fight cancer. we'll show you what to eat to beat cancer and other illnesses. it is saturday, september 22nd. good morning, everyone. glad you're with us. >> we're starting with politics and the big news from the campaign trail. a piece of paper. well, it's more like a stack of paper. this stack right here. more than 300 pages, it's mitt romney's tax return. just one year, though. last year, 2011. not the tn years some have asked for. >> the romney campaign may not have released those tax forms but they did try to clear up some of the questions. >> reporter: mitt romney arrived here in las vegas knowing it's always a safe bet to do a document dump at the end of a week. mitt romney came to las vegas and rolled the dice, releasing
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new tax information. according to his 2011 return, the gop nominee paid nearly $2 million in taxes on almost $14 million in income, an effective rate of 14%. but romney had to make some adjustments to get to that figure. according to that return, romney donated $4 million to charity but only claimed a deduction of $2.25 million. he reduced his induction and in essence paid more in taxes, the campaign said, to conform to his earlier estimate that he paid a 13% rate in 2011. that's despite what he told abc news earlier this summer on whether he'd ever paid anything less than 13% in taxes. >> i don't pay more than are legally due. if i had paid more than are legally due, i don't think i'd be qualified to become president. >> the tax preparer stated he
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had indeed paid federal and state income taxes for more than 20 years. that appeared to be a direct response to senate majority leader harry reid that without records, he hadn't paid any taxes for ten years. >> the word is out he hasn't paid any taxes for ten years. >> reporter: romney is standing by what he told cnn. >> those are the two years that people are going to have. that's all that's necessary for people to understand something about my finances. >> reporter: the document dump comes after a week of attacks over the candidate's perceived gaffes. president obama on that hidden video of romney talking about the 47% of americans who he said are dependent on the government. >> i don't see a lot of victims in this crowd today. >> reporter: and romney on the president's statement this week on changing washington. >> he said you can't change washington from the inside, you have to do it from the outside.
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we're going to give him that chance. he's going outside. >> reporter: also released were letters from the physicians of both mitt romney and paul ryan declaring both candidates in good health and ready for the rigors of the rest of this campaign. randy and victor? >> jim acosta, thank you. we'll have much more on romney's taxes and on that controversial recording of a private fund-raiser. that's later in the show. the u.s. has temporary closed some diplomatic missions. protesters continue to show their outrage. in bangladesh protesters burned a box called coffin of obama. >> pakistan's prime minister seemingly giving his approval,
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calling it a national holiday to run the film. as people take to the streets in over 20 countries, not all of the protests have been violent or anti-american. in libya ten days after a consulate attack that left four americans, including ambassador chris stevens dead, hundreds of citizens showed their support for the u.s. by taking over the headquarters of a radical islamist group tied to that attack. arwa damon has more now from benghazi. >> reporter: the revolution began in benghazi and now it's starting once again in benghazi to evict these extremist militias. he was just telling us is that the people inside, they believe must have heard that the pro-democracy demonstrators were coming because by the time they arrived, they found no one. they were able to go in and take
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control. we are seeing the pro-democracy people of benghazi literally reclaiming their city from the extremist militias. there was an initial sense of euphoria, people saying that this is the real libya, cleansed of extremists by its own people. but the situation quickly turned sinister. >> we have five left. >> be careful. >> bottom of the road there. >> there. >> over on the left-hand side. >> reporter: there is gun fire. this is the second location. just on the other side of this wall is the second location that we are told is being struck
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tonight, but contrary to what we witnessed at the first place, here there seems to be something of a gun battle going on. we are hearing sporadic gun fire as well as other small explosions. the location it would turn out is actually the headquarters of a battalion backed by the government. government officials came out on tv trying to urge for calm and tell people that this is not an extremist rogue militia but it seems few were listening. and this is where the situation in libya gets incredibly murky. the compound that we're hearing the gun fire surrounding is the battalion headquarters. they are a part of the february 17th brigade that mass been endorsed by the government. people are telling us following the fervor, demors initially managed to gain control over the headquarters. they're saying pro-gadhafi
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loyalists moved the crowd and managed to manipulate the situation and get them to move towards this battalion's headquarters. it's still a very chaotic situation, exactly who is shooting at whom is unclear but there seems to be no command and control of the situation whatsoever. and no telling what morning will bring. >> our thanks to arwa damon and the libyan prime minister tells cnn eight people have been detained in connection to that consulate attack, including members of that radical islamist group. >> well, it is the tape that is changing the presidential campaigns. and like all of these kinds of tapes, it's sort of grainy. >> foggy video. hard to see what's going on there. >> it still rocked the campaigns and led conservatives to call out mitt romney. how does a tape like this
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surface four months after it's made? >> we will explore. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪
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congress actually got something done. just after midnight the senate approved a plan to fund the government. see, the government was set to run out of money at the end of the month but now the senate has kied that can down the road until march. the house had approved a similar measure a few weeks ago and now all members of congress are off
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so they can go home to campaign. >> the big political news this week has centered around a controversial hidden videotape of mitt romney, which raises the question is there an expectation of privacy for public figures like politicians. that is our focus this morning. let's start with the romney tape and the reaction. here is our brian todd. >> randi, a grandson of former president jimmy carter was instrumental of getting this videotape out of obscurity into a media frenzy. he didn't actually make the videotape. that was done four months ago in a moment mitt romney likely wishes he had back. it starts with a videotape of mitt romney speaking last may at a fund-raiser attended by wealthy donors inside a private home in florida. he's asked how he's going to convince voters that they need to take care of themselves instead of relying on the government. unguarded romney tells the group nearly half the electorate will vote for president obama no matter what. >> there are 47% who are with
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him, who are dependent on government, who believe they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they're entitled to health care, to food, to housing. >> reporter: the video, showing romney seemingly callous and out of touch has blown up after being posted online on monday money romney called a news conference. >> it's not elegantly stated. i'm sure could i state it more clearly in a more effective way. >> reporter: how did a videotape made four months ago become something so potentially damaging to romney's campaign now? parts of the video were posted in drips and drabs mainly as blurry video and audio files on
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youtube. corn won't reveal who the source was. last week corn was able to verify that the videotape was legitimate and he posted it this week on mother jones. the middle man who got corn together with the source, james carter iv, brandson of former president jimmy carter, seen here on facebook with corn. corn says carter had done research with him in the past. carter describes himself as an op signatures researchers, political junkie currently looking for work. >> he obviously has his own agenda and trying to damage the romney campaign. without james carter iv, this clearly wouldn't have happened. >> reporter: corn said the person who videotaped romney didn't have an affiliation with any campaign.
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>> a private equity, a company called sun capital, they manage about $8 billion worth of investments. he comes from the same industry. that's how he got into private equity, from meeting mitt romney. >> we called on him repeatedly to ask who the person was who videotaped romney at his home and ask who else was there. his representative would only issue a statement acknowledging he hosted a fund-raiser for a friend in may. we've tried to get the romney campaign to tell us tho they think videotaped him that night. we've gotten no response. >> thank you. next, more on gotcha politics. we'll ask if in kind of thing just goes too far. >> so we don't often hear about paparazzi following politicians. >> no. >> they usually focus on celebrities like kate middleton. she may be getting some revenge
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for those topless shots in european magazines. then there's paris hilton. >> we all know paris hilton loves to have her picture taken and loves to have a video camera chasing after her. now she says it's gone too far. why? we'll tell you and let you listen as well. [ male announcer ] the first only the beginning. ♪ ♪ introducing a stunning work of technology. ♪ introducing the entirely new lexus es. and the first ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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this morning we are talking about paparazzi and politics. but celebs can't seem to get a moment to themselves. >> kate middleton may be getting revenge on the topless photos. she was on vacation with the prienz. the french magazine may be getting fined for publishing those photos. they hired an attorney because they were going to fight this one. unlike the pictures from prince harry, which they just -- >> the crazy thing about those photos of kate was how far away that guy was. he was like a mile and a half away with in a special lens or something like that. >> i guess the lesson for her is there is no privacy in that family especially. >> yeah. >> the magazine is going to have to pay $2,600. plus the newspaper could even be
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shut down. >> it's kind of an ugly mess it turned into, all for the photo. >> there are other magazines and publishers around the world saying we're going to publish the pictures, let them come after us if they want to. >> i'd be afraid of the queen. >> not the entire family or the guards, just her walking through the room. >> the queen and her little corgis. okay, you win. celebs like paris hilton also followed by the paparazzi. she loves having her pictures taken. she's under fire for secret recordings in the back of a new york city taxi. apparently a gay friend was in the cab with her showing her an app canned grinder. it's an app that helps gay men meet other gay men and they hook up. take a listen to what paris has to say.
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>> you guys are the [ bleep ] people in the world. they're disgusting. dude, most of them probably have aids. i would be so scared if i was a gay guy. >> she issued a statement saying i am so sorry and soup set that i caused pain to my gay friends, fans and their families. gay people are the strongest and most inspiring people i know." that doesn't make sense with what she said in the cab. >> that's not parallel with what she said in cab. she said she was having a private conversation with a friend and didn't mean it toward the entire gay community. >> i've been in the back of a lot of cabs, i'm on the phone, i'm trying not to be obnoxious but who know who is this person is, who is driving the cab or the car and you're recorded.
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it's kind of a lousy thing to do. i disagree with what she said but it kind of a lousy thing to do for the driver. >> the taxy, the restaurant, everywhere we go, there's someone with a cell phone and any cell phone now has a camera and you can record. that's what we're talking about this morning is is there any privacy? >> the crazy thing that really struck me most about this story is paris hilton takes a cab? >> imagine being the driver. sheep does have that pink ferrari or something? >> i don't think she'll be taking cabs anymore. paris, good luck to you on that one. >> we all hear the words and then paris takes a cab? >> talk about shocking, a man jumps off the monorail at the bronx zoo and into the tiger pits. >> one of the tigers starts attacking him. hear how emergency crews saved the man's life without hurting the tiger. ♪
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the space shuttle "endeavour" has landed for the last time but not before a tour of southern california. that's a beautiful place to tour. we'll tell you where it's landing.
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good morning, everyone. welcome back. it is the first day of fall and it really feels like it. i love it. >> this is my favorite season. i love it. >> it's crisp. it's really nice out there. >> great start to every morning.
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here's a look at stories across the country on the first day of fall. the space shuttle "endeavour" finished its final flight yesterday after a tough of california. it landed at lax. nasa will take it off the boeing jet that carried it. it will be moved to a science museum in los angeles. >> and in hershey, pennsylvania, people will attend the annual farm aid concert today organized by will any nelson. it raises awareness about the loss of family farms and raises money to support family agriculture. >> in new york, a man is in critical condition this morning after a tying are attacked him at the bronx zoo. the man believed to be about 25 jumped out of a monorail and into the tiger pit yesterday. emergency crews had to use a fire extinguisher to scare the tiger away. the zoo director says the man was deliberately trying to
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endanger himself. >> is the tiger going to be put down? >> no, absolutely -- as i said, the tiger did nothing wrong in this case at all. i really want to emphasize that, you know, this was a bad situation but, you know, it was a really good day here at the bronx zoo because we have the cat, which is still alive and we have this guy that we pulled out of this exhibit and he's still alive. >> that's pretty crazy to just jump in the tiger pen there. >> hopefully he just recover. imagine this tiger is in its pen and someone falls out of the sky. why he would do that hopefully we'll hear. >> all that tiger saw was lunch probably. in is no tiger but it probably one of the fattest cats you'll ever see. and guess what, her name is skinny. an animal shelter near dallas is taking care of her after finding her on the street. usually a street cat, i've adopted them, they're skinny. this cat is not skinny. one employee says skinny weighs
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41 pounds. just to put that in perspective, that's about as much as a 4-year-old child. the shelter hopes someone will adopt her. you're going to have to feed her a lot. >> apparently skinny knows a hookup somewhere in the streets where she can get food unlimited at any time of date. >> she ain't so skinny but look at her. she need as home. >> does she walk, though? >> she probably scoots across the floor. she slides and glides. pet obesity, a serious issue of course. this next story is serious and tragic on so many levels. >> it's a story of child abuse that started in georgia and moved cross country. nick valencia is here with us. it's hard to believe a couple could do this to their own child. >> yeah, i think everybody is a little shocked about this. the neighbors didn't even know this young 18-year-old existed. the confinement was so thorough.
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investigator arrested his parents after this 18-year-old was found wandering in a downtown los angeles bus stop more than 2,000 miles away from home. he's telling investigators his stepfather put him on a bus to jackson, mississippi, gave him $200 with a lit of l.a. homeless shelters were the idea he'd never come back. >> so what are these parents facing from the legal system? >> they're facing seven counts of child abuse. investigators are charging them -- they're interviewing the 13 and 11-year-old siblings as well, who say they didn't even know the color of of their brother's hair, he hadn't been outside in two years. they're investigating these or two siblings. now mitchell and the two girls are being held by authorities and placed with other foster families and hopefully will have
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a better future than they've had. >> a ground breaking announcement from the largest cancer center in the world. how researchers hope to radically reduce the death rate from several common cancers. for our country, rgy drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self-contained well systems. and, using state-of-the-art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. we're america's natural gas.
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i was talking to my best friend. i told her i wasn't feeling like myself... i had pain in my pelvic area... and bleeding that wasn't normal for me. she said i had to go to the doctor. turned out i had uterine cancer, a type of gynecologic cancer. i received treatment and we're confident i'll be fine. please listen to your body. if something doesn't feel right for two weeks or longer, see your doctor. get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. knowing can make all the difference in the world. good morning, atlanta. what a great shot of the city, downtown there, nice start to the first day of fall, which officially begins this morning at 10:49 eastern time. mark your calendar.
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it is 32 minutes past the hour. welcome back. i'm randi kaye. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> a drone attacked fired two missiles at a vehicle being used by local pakistan leaders. and protesters in libyan ran militia leaders out of the building. the republican representative expressed anger over what he sees as the president's role in the middle east turmoil. >> thank you president barack
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hussein obama. this will be quite a legacy for you. what i do know is he has helped jump start a new empire and left our friend and ally israel so vulnerable in this sea of radicalism that he has helped bring to the surface. >> from the well of the u.s. house of representatives to the campaign trail, we've been hearing a lot about the relationship between the u.s. and israel. we wanted to take a closer look at where that relationship stands and what the candidates are saying about it. wolf blitzer goes in depth. >> one country was singled out by both candidates in their convention speeches. >> president obama has thrown allies like israel under the bus. >> our commitment to israel's security must not waiver. >> president obama came to
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office determined to make middle east peace a central tenet of his foreign policy, even if it meant exerting what some of his advisers described as tough love on israel. he took a harder line on israeli settlements in palestinian territory. >> in my conversations with prime minister netanyahu, i was very clear about the need to stop settlements, to make sure that we are stopping the building of outposts. >> reporter: that angered many israelis, especially prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and early trips to turkey and egypt with high profile addresses to the arab and muslim world without a stop in israel further exacerbated that relationship. the push for middle east peace himself been stuck ever since and that rocky personal relationship with netanyahu was further underlined during a tense oval office meeting in may 2011 when the prime minister seemed to be lecturing the president. >> israel is prepared to make
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generous compromises for peace. it cannot go back to the 1967 lines because these lines are indefensible. >> reporter: still at least in public they seem to have moved on. >> as i've said to the prime minister in every single one of our meetings, the united states will always have israel's back when it comes to israel's security. >> reporter: on some of the most sensitive issues, obama and romney seem to agree, at least when it comes to the big picture. jerusalem is israel's capital. a final peace agreement should include what's called a two-state solution, israel living alongside palestine and iran must be stopped from building a nuclear bomb. but there are differences when it comes to specific details on how to achieve those goals. romney charges that president obama hasn't been a strong enough ally to israel in opposing iran's nuclear ambitions. >> israel doesn't need public lectures about how to weigh decisions of war and peace. it needs our support.
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if i'm president of the united states, my first foreign trip will be to israel to show the world we care about that country. >> reporter: he understood scored that during his july visit to jerusalem. >> the palestinians are going to say -- >> reporter: in a recently revealed tape from a closed fund-raiser back in may, romney said israel didn't have a strong palestinian partner. >> i but romney declared his support for a two-state solution in an interview i did with him. >> a decision where the borders would be as we move to a two-state solution, which i support. that's a decision on borders that will be worked out by the israelis and the palestinians. >> reporter: romney says obama has rebuffed israel's security concerns, however, the israeli defense minister, ehud barak
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told me in july the relationship with the united states is solid. >> i should tell you the administration under president obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that i can remember in the past. >> reporter: wolf blitzer, cnn, washington. >> and we will be taking a closer look at other campaign issues throughout the morning. coming up in our 8:00 hour, we'll see where they stand on terrorism and the global fight. >> super foods said to help reduce your risk of cancer. are they all they're cracked up to be? really? we'll separate fact from fiction. i got so excited about all the super foods, i couldn't even talk. mark mcdonald will explain it all for us. be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back. big news this weekend related to cancer. md anderson cancer center has announced an aggressive program to eliminate certain cancers. >> we're in a position to make dramatic impat on cancer mortality in this decade. >> you're saying if we do everything right, in five years from now there will be far fewer people dying from cancer, right? >> correct. i think that with existing knowledge and the application of what we now know, we can begin to see dramatic declines in mortality that would accelerate in years five through ten and beyond set the stage for ultimate control of the disease. >> the goal of the so-called moon shots program is to speed up and reduce the number of cancer-related deaths while promoting conversations around new discoveries and clinical studies. scientists are focusing on a handful of cancer including
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melanoma, lung, prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. >> and there are things you can do to lower the chances of cancer by your food choice. >> you have some good news here. we have a whole bunch of really healthy stuff. we'll talk about facts and the myths. let's start with soy. we talked a lot about whether we should be eating it or not eating it. fact or fiction, soy is a good source of plant based protein? >> both. soy actually increases your estrogen level. when you talk about breast and ovarian cancer, that's not great for that cancer. the better choice with be hemp if you're a vegan. with the cancer you want to avoid soy completely for cancer.
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it's a good protein, just not great from the cancer side. >> we've got fruits and vegetables here. let's start here with the blueberries. factor fiction, blueberries really don't help much, they're full of sugar. >> total fiction. exactly. right, randi? your body needs sugar to create energy. when you look at at blueberry, it's natural fiber and it provides anti-oxidants. free radicals when left unchecked cause havoc to your cells. the way you counter free radicals is a fruits and vegies. blueberries provide powerful anti-oxidants to combat those free radicals. the average person takes less
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there and two servings of fruits and vegetables a day. you need up to 12. >> i can eat all of this and still not meet the requirement for the day. >> if you eat all that, you'd be okay. when you look at serving size, this is about the 12 servings. >> let's talk about red wine. factor fiction, red wines doesn't have any benefits. this can't be true. >> that's a fiction! >> good thing. alcohol in moderation but red wine does provide anti-oxidants that helps county free radicals and it helps lower stress levels at the end of a day. ideally you're better to get your antioxidants from here and you're better to lower your stress level with good exercise and stress. >> like one cup a day? >> maybe one glass three times a week. >> i thought you were going to say three times a day. >> i was going to say, we'll make that work. >> one glass is six ounces, not
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one of those. >> i can walk around with the hurricane glass. >> i went to a friend's house and she was doing 24 ounces and counts that as a glass. >> and all of this plus exercise helps. >> it causes endorphin release and helps your circulation. just getting active helps make your body work better for you. maybe about three to four days a week, up to five days, at least 30 minutes of any type of activity. once you get there you, you can increase it up to 60 minutes. >> and it's good for the brain, too, right? >> when you're stressed, things feel so much better when you exercise compared to when you don't. >> lots of green, lots of veggies, lots of colors. >> nutrition, stabilize your
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blood sugar, have yogurt, nuts, good oatmeal, drink water, manage your stress, manage your sleep. >> what is it about the yog hurt? >> when you look at greek yogurt, it has more protein, an equal balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates in greek yogurt. >> you taking notes? >> i'm glad you have the ones with the plain. >> the plain is a little healthier but once again we have to do what's realistic. >> so then we add the blueberries. >> absolutely. and some nuts. >> a little territorial over the blueberries. >> you can mix in, there's broccoli. green tea is also really good for helping to fight cancer. >> huge. we were going to talk about green tea. you have to get educated and
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understand how to make it part of your lifestyle. we're going to teach people how to live the life that they want. >> thank you. we've got wine three times a week, blueberries every day. >> so how do you turn serious topics like jobless numbers and negative campaign ads into gut busting jones? this political season it may be easier than you think. we'll show you how the pros do it. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air.
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welcome back. we're talking a little bit this morning about ralph lauren. the company is making news for hiring their first plus size model. this is a really, really big deal. >> i'm surprised it's taken this long. >> i agree. and she is stunning. there she is right there, australian robin lawley. she's over 6 feet tall. she says she won't say how much she weighs because she says it doesn't matter. she says she tried to stay slim but it never worked. she told other alina cho about the reaction she's been getting. >> i get girls all over the world saying whole communities were ostracizing me because of my size and seeing a girl be happy and content with her size is such a ground breaking thing for her to say. the media can be really targeting, especially women and their size. >> i don't know a lot about women's fashion or the clothing but she's plus size? >> i know, right?
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>> when i envisioned plus size, this is not the woman that pops up in my head first. according to the l.a. times, the avera average woman in america weighs 162.5 pound ps and wear as size 14. this she's a size 12, shouldn't she be an average size? >> there's a picture of her in a bikini and lingerie and she looks great. she says she hopes the other designers will hire plus size as well. she said she gave up modelling, didn't like how she felt and here she is now. >> the ideal is so far from what people typically wear. i heard there's a double zero. what's a double zero? isn't one zero enough? >> i don't know. but it's nice to see. i think this is a really big
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statement by ralph lauren and hopefully it will continue. >> i'm happy for her. >> we had onshot a couple of young women who had petitioned some of the big name magazines because they didn't want to see the skinny models because it isn't healthy and it's not a good thing to promote and they're making headway as well. alina cho will have the full interview next week. >> next hour, we're inviting you to belly up to the bar. yes, it's early, but come on, we're going to go. that's what we did with mike but trust us, this was not one of his regular dirty jobs. ♪
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delicious sugar-free vitafusion fiber well gummies have more fiber than other leading brands. they're the better way to enjoy your fiber.
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you want to read or want me to read? >> you're going to go first. >> unemployment and negative ads and income taxes are not that funny. >> we talked about this. but so far those are the topics that late night comedians are poking fun at this year. >> the new fall tv season has started and mitt romney has a new hidden camera show. >> so you have this 47% that don't pay taxes and these people are never going to vote for me. and real quick, no one is recording this, correct? okay. it's very important that no one records this. okay, good. because i'm about to say who these people are and i would prefer to not have that on tape. now, when i say "these people," i mean black people. >> all the political pundits are taking romney to task saying that his gaffe was not presidential. vice presidential, sure.
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that's joe biden territory. >> i heard romney has also agreed to appear on "the view." his advisers think it's a good idea because it's the one place where it's impossible for him to say anything. but if i could just -- you know, ann would -- ah forget it. >> according to the labor department, unemployment fell from 8.3% to 8.1% last month. 368,000 gave up looking for work. today president obama said that's a step in the right direction and he is encouraging more americans to give up looking for work so the numbers will come down a little bit. >> i'm barack obama and i approve this message, but i'm not real proud of it. >> i don't think mitt romney understands what he's done to people's lives by closing this plant. i don't think he even cares. >> mitt romney and bain capital made millions for


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